Introducing CVaaS

Connected Vehicle as a Service

CVaaS is an end-to-end solution for connecting vehicles and unlocking real-time actionable data.

Comprising all the elements which are required to stand up a connected vehicle system, CVaaS can be offered as the full end-to-end service, or alternatively provided as individual subsystems that can be seamlessly integrated into your existing architecture.

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CVaaS Subsystems


Our range of Telematics Control Units are designed in-house. Select an off-the-shelf variant which has been deployed and tested in the field, or a bespoke design to meet your specific requirements. We have automotive grade units which are designed for passenger vehicles, and small form factor variants for motorbikes and micromobility applications. Supporting multiple wired and wireless protocols in a single integrated unit, we have developed for high performance and can also provide unique antenna designs.

Feature Highlights:

  • Cellular 4G/5G, GNSS, SDARS, UWB, WLAN, WiFi and Bluetooth
  • Integrate to vehicle with a range of standard vehicle interfaces including: CAN, CAN-FD, ethernet
  • Optional high performance, on-board antennas
  • Full CE, FCC, CCC and E-marking compliance covering all radio regulations
  • Also available with Automotive grade design, pre-validation tested to automotive requirements
  • Test automation for V&V, FCT and end-of-line

Our cloud platform supports a wide range of connected vehicle use cases. We deploy a scalable, elastic platform separately for each our our partners.

Feature Highlights:

  • Four message patterns which support all connected vehicle use cases
  • Telemetry: Low latency and highly configurable to manage data campaigns
  • Send remote control messages to vehicles
  • Bulk upload including Over the Air (OTA) updated for our own TCUs and other vehicle ECUs
  • Bulk download to reduce costs of offloading data which is not time critical

Design Principles:

  • Continuous delivery model with automated testing
  • Global solution, deployable in any region including China
  • Analytics platform showing aggregated data and ML insights
  • Software Over the Air (OTA) framework to securely deliver updates to vehicle ECUs

Collecting data from vehicles only becomes valuable when it can be used to extract meaningful business insights. We have deep experience in identifying business or driver-oriented use cases that that are only made possible through secure, high performance connectivity.

Feature Highlights:

  • Cloud based Analytics Portal that supports SSO from your corporate login system
  • Extensive library of visualisation styles to maximise insights
  • Integration with other, customer-hosted data sources: SQL databases, data lakes, APIs

Our multi-channel solution allows us to relay messages via the cloud or fallback to direct communications from app-to-vehicle. We have mobile applications for both iOS and Android devices. These can be customised for your branding.

Feature Highlights:

  • Mobile user experience and user interface design
  • Developed natively for iOS and Android to ensure good performance
  • Send commands directly from mobile app to vehicle
  • Other market variants are also available e.g. for China, USA, Rest-of-World variants
  • Option of embeddable SDK or full bespoke, white labelled app

We manage the cellular channel on your behalf – so there is no need to enter complex contracts with Mobile Network Operators.

Our TCUs use e-SIMs or physical SIMs, and we can provide global coverage.

Supporting your journey into connected vehicles

Interested in experiencing high performance, hyper-secure vehicle connectivity with a free,
 4 week trial of CVaaS? Get in touch today to understand how connected vehicle data can strengthen your organisation.

Enquire today

CVaaS Benefits

We understand the value of connected vehicle data. Working with us can reduce your time-to-market and avoid the significant costs often associated with similar development programmes. Our CVaaS platform has market leading performance so your business users and vehicle owners get the best possible user experience and data transfer reliability.



Building a connected vehicle system typically takes more than 24 months. However working with Beam Connectivity means a best-in-class platform can be available to you within days. We continuously improve our systems which means you can access new features and focus on topics which are of strategic importance to you.

This stabilisation phase once in production is key as automotive IoT is full of hard to anticipate edge cases. Through our deployment experience we have already resolved hard-to-anticipate edge cases. CVaaS has been designed to shortcut your journey, by using our connectivity platform and adapting it for your unique use cases.



Providing an end-to-end solution gives us a deep understanding of how the subsystems integrate together and overall system performance can be optimised. We take a Systems Engineering view to design connected vehicle systems. This means we can provide best-in-class performance.

From modems and antennas to software and APIs, we are committed to delivering superior performance. Whereas many of today’s incumbent systems can take 10-20 seconds to deliver a message from a mobile app to a vehicle, we can achieve 200ms under typical cellular conditions.



We design for robustness and resilience. From high performance antenna design to innovations in cyber resilience, our aim is to ensure the data pipeline remains robust so that our partners can rely on the data feed and focus on the value of data.

Together our optimised hardware and software ensure your vehicles stay online for longer and gracefully manage any blackspots without losing any data.

The CVaaS Solution

We take full responsibility for performance. CVaaS is designed to prevent the fragmentation issues found when connected vehicle systems are deployed using multiple vendors - often leading to a lack of systems engineering, end-to-end understanding and unclear responsibility for performance. We have tackled this issue by consolidating the process into one partner and one solution - saving you time and money.

End-to-end architecture:

Optimised for performance and security.

Single accountability:

For continued operations and for bug fixing.


Developing to always answer our client‘s requirements, not just an off-the-shelf solution.

Data pipeline:

We focus on the process so our partners can focus on the value of their data.

The Features

CVaaS comes ready with support for a wide range of connected vehicle use cases. It is also easily customisable to the individual requirements of our partners – this includes Location data, Telemetry, Sending CAN messages, Remote control and Over the Air (OTA) software updates.

Our in-house engineering team are specialised at developing new use cases so, if you require the agility of a bespoke solution crafted especially for you, then here at Beam Connectivity, we are equipped to deliver this for you efficiently and quickly.

Recent examples of bespoke feature development include:

  • Daily email digest of fleet data with anomaly reporting
  • Built “miles per day” tool for last mile delivery customers
  • Remote diagnostics portal to visualise live, in-the-field DTC data
  • Built DTC visualisation tool cloud based detection of dangerous
 driving for a delivery fleet operator

Telemetry Ingestion & Analytics

Ingest millions of datapoints per vehicle and visualise them with our flexible Analytics Portal. By looking for trends you can truly understand how your vehicles are used and anticipate when things might fail.

Remote Commands

Send commands from your web portal or mobile apps down to a single vehicle, or even the whole fleet. The messages use modern cryptography to guarantee end-to-end integrity and prevent spoofing.

Remote Configuration

The telemetry data that you want to collect will vary through the lifetime of your fleet and on day one, you won’t be sure of the data you actually want. Our platform supports granular configuration of the signals and the sampling rate of every signal to ensure you can collect the data you need, when you need it.

OTA Software Update

The ability to remotely update on-vehicle software is game-changing, but also challenging. We can remotely update our Telematics Module software and also deliver your software packages down to the vehicle for other ECUs you may want to update.

CVaaS - Designed for you

Supporting vehicle manufacturers and their supply chain, CVaaS is ideal for the following partners:

Vehicle Manufacturers

Ideal for vehicle manufacturers who are taking the first step into connected vehicles systems, or for those who are frustrated with the limitations of your incumbent systems and looking for a leading connected vehicle user experience to support their brands.

Vehicle R&D Departments

At the forefront in the “art of the possible” for connected vehicles, we support major OEMs to develop connected vehicle use cases – unhindered by the performance or flexibility constraints of their existing platforms.

Tier 1s & Suppliers to Vehicle Manufacturers

We provide insights into new vehicle subsystems, or work as a channel partner for CVaaS.

Innovators in Vehicle Technologies

We work in partnership with organisations from SMEs to major OEMs, bringing our specialisation in connecting vehicles alongside your 
own activities.