Cyber security for connected vehicles

It is no longer possible to separate vehicle connectivity from vehicle safety and cyber resilience.

Vehicle manufacturers are seeking to meet new standards and regulations which cover cyber security requirements, including ISO21434 and UNECE 155/156 and similar emerging frameworks.

At Beam Connectivity, we have used Security by Design development processes while building CVaaS. Backed by two Innovate UK Grant funded projects, we have a range of innovations which will improve the cyber resilience of connected vehicles and have developed deep expertise in this area.

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Cyber security and Beam Connectivity

We bring our insights and expertise on cyber resilience for connected vehicles to our partners with a range of services including:

Specialised Experience In Cyber Resilience

We are the lead partner on two Innovate UK grant funded projects which are seeking to improve the cyber resilience of connected vehicles.

Understanding ISO 24143 and UNECE 155/156

We support vehicle manufacturers of all types to understand the impact of ISO24143, UNECE 155/156 and similar emerging frameworks on connected vehicles.

ISO 26262 compliance

As part of the Secure TCU project, we are assessing the impact of ISO26262 on Telematics Control Units. With connected systems increasingly becoming involved in safety critical use cases in teleoperations, autonomous driving and V2X applications, it is essential to understand how these interact.

Security By Design

Our CVaaS partners can be confident it has been developed using Security by Design principles and has been assessed by expert third parties.

Our Trusted Partners
